Friday, August 26, 2011

Guessing Game

With just a few days to go before we find out if we've got a little boy or a little girl, it seemed like a right fine time to play a little guessing game on the blog :-)

- boy or girl?
- birthday? (due date is January 31)
- birth weight?
- name?

Have fun!


  1. Brian says boy, I say girl.
    We are both guessing a February baby (groundhog day!)
    Brian says 7.2, I say 7.11
    Tom III, or Nora?

  2. Girl
    Feb 2nd (2/2/2012)
    7lbs 2oz

    Congrats to you both! So excited to meet your little one!!

  3. Girl, Jan 25, 6 lbs 9 oz, Laney or Emma

    Ps. I know NOTHING about babies so the weight thing is a shot in the dark. ;-)
